June Parks, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist, consultant, keynote speaker, and youth empowerment specialist. She shows young people, the professionals who provide services to them, as well as workplace leaders how to deepen their resilience, enhance their well-being, and achieve academic and career success.
June celebrates the passion and dedication that higher education and workplace professionals bring to their work as they serve their colleagues and students, and this appreciation is reflected in every aspect of her work.
June understands that today’s workplaces, especially in the field of higher education, can place extremely high and often unrealistic demands on the time and energy of its professionals. Her work addresses the attrition, burnout, and staff turnover that are often the unfortunate consequences of these experiences.
June also recognizes the dynamics and misconceptions that keep students and workplace leaders—particularly those from underrepresented communities—struggling to find their voice and navigate challenging situations without sacrificing their well-being so they can successfully move through and grow from these experiences.
With over 20 years of experience in the areas of child psychology, trauma, and human development, June has the skills to enhance the well-being of both professionals and students. She excels at showing others how to do the same while never losing sight of their own personal and professional well-being through specialized consulting and experiential activities that increase learning and discovery.
June has been featured in webinars, podcasts, and panels and has spoken at the University of Chicago, Loyola University Chicago, NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors, Michigan College Access Network, and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. June is also the creator of the successful Identify the Why workshop which enhances adolescents’ social and emotional learning.
June earned her doctorate from Northwestern University. She has taught masters and doctoral-level students at The University of Chicago and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in the areas of child and adolescent development and child and adolescent trauma. June maintains a successful private practice in Chicago, Illinois where she treats children, adolescents, adults, and families. June is a mother of two young adults who keep her energized and closely connected to her work in youth empowerment.